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RELAX AND BREATHE - £12 - 60 Minutes

This one hour class focuses on our emotional and mental well being. TAKE SOME TIME TO CONNECT TO YOUR BODY...BREATHE BETTER. 

ARM AND SHOULDER - Mini Master Class Series  £15  -  90 Minutes

1.5hr Movement Master Class in gently strengthening, releasing and toning the Arms and Shoulders. Decreases tension and pain into fluid movements without discomfort. Feel weak, stiff or experience tension or discomfort around your Neck, Arms and/or Shoulders, then this is the Master Class for you. This class promotes the ability to stretch and lift in comfort.


'Happy Feet' THE CLASS - Mini Master Class Series  £15  -  90 Minutes

1.5hr Movement Master Class. If you have problems walking, running or jumping then this class will help improve and increase your abilities. This is a soft and easy class that teaches our feet and lower legs how to sooth aches and pains and to rebalance those dear feet we use so much. problems that can arise like Plantar Faciitis, Heel spurs or Bunions can be supported or even prevented when we take care of those things that take care of us.


HIPS AND PELVIS - Mini Master Class Series  £15  -  90 Minutes

1.5hr Movement Master Class in gently freeing up the movements of the Pelvis and Hips. This class releases stiffness and discomfort bringing ease to movements in walking, running and sitting. If you find it hard to sit or stand or walk or run then this class will help improve on movement whilst reducing pain or stiffness.

FREEING UP THE SPINE - Mini Master Class Series  £15  -  90 Minutes 

1.5hr Movement Master Class. This class does what it says....freeing up the Spine. Most issues or pain come from mis-alignments or rubbing of structuers that should be free of each other. Tensions and stress add further problems that arise as pain or mechanical issues like impingment. This class helps to unwind that tightness to a softer more usable pain free functions. 


Private classes


MAXIMUM 6/8 (Depending on activity) 


From a one off class to running your own 5 week course with friends. 


£90  -  90 Minutes 

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